51 Exercícios De Verbos Auxiliares Em Inglês

Sabemos que a prática leva à perfeição! Se você já estudou sobre os verbos auxiliares em inglês, é hora de testar o quanto você aprendeu com a nossa lista de exercícios, vamos lá?

Lista de exercícios de verbos auxiliares em inglês

Pessoa escrevendo em caderno representando o post sobre exercícios de verbos irregulares em inglês

Exercício 01: Complete as frases com o verbo auxiliar correto:

  1. ___ you like coffee? (Do/Does)
  2. She ___ not like to dance. (do/does)
  3. They ___ been to Paris last year. (has/have)
  4. I ___ swim when I was a child. (can/could)
  5. ___ I open the window? (May/Might)
  6. She ___ be at the party tonight. (will/would)
  7. They ___ watching a movie right now. (is/are)
  8. He ___ not like chocolate. (do/does)
  9. We ___ been to the zoo recently. (has/have)
  10. She ___ sing very well. (can/could)
  11. ___ they come to the party tomorrow? (Will/Would)

Exercício 02: Transforme as frases afirmativas em negativas:

  1. She is studying for the exam.
  2. They have visited the museum.
  3. I can play the guitar.
  4. We will travel next month.
  5. He does his homework every day.
  6. He is a doctor.
  7. They can play football.
  8. I have a new dress.
  9. She will attend the meeting.
  10. You do your chores every weekend.

Exercício 03: Transforme as frases afirmativas em interrogativas:

  1. She has a new car.
  2. They were at the beach yesterday.
  3. I can speak Spanish.
  4. You will join the club.
  5. He does exercises in the morning.
  6. f) She has a cat.
  7. They were in the park last weekend.
  8. I can cook Italian food.
  9. You will be at the concert.
  10. He does read books in the evening.

Exercício 04: Escolha o verbo auxiliar correto para completar as frases:

  1. ___ you help me with this? (Can/Could)
  2. It ___ rain later. (may/might)
  3. You ___ not enter the room. (must/have to)
  4. ___ we go to the cinema tonight? (Shall/Should)
  5. She ___ been working here for two years. (has/have)
  6. ___ I have some more cake? (May/Might)
  7. They ___ not like the idea. (must/have to)
  8. ___ she go to the dentist every year? (Do/Does)
  9. We ___ be going to the beach this weekend. (will/would)
  10. He ___ play the violin when he was younger. (can/could)

Exercício 05: Reescreva as frases usando um verbo auxiliar diferente:

  1. Can I borrow your book?
  2. She might come to the party.
  3. They have to finish the project by tomorrow.
  4. I will travel to London next year.
  5. He can play the piano.
  6. Can you drive a car?
  7. She might join the gym.
  8. They have to submit the assignment by Friday.
  9. I will buy a new laptop.
  10. He can solve the puzzle.

Gabarito dos exercícios de verbos auxiliares em inglês

Gabarito do exercício 01

  1. Do you like coffee? (Do/Does)
  2. She does not like to dance. (do/does)
  3. They have been to Paris last year. (has/have)
  4. I could swim when I was a child. (can/could)
  5. May I open the window? (May/Might)
  6. She will be at the party tonight. (will/would)
  7. They are watching a movie right now. (is/are)
  8. He does not like chocolate. (do/does)
  9. We have been to the zoo recently. (has/have)
  10. She can sing very well. (can/could)
  11. Will they come to the party tomorrow? (Will/Would)

Gabarito do exercício 02

  1. She isn’t studying for the exam.
  2. They haven’t visited the museum.
  3. I can’t play the guitar.
  4. We won’t travel next month.
  5. He doesn’t do his homework every day.
  6. He isn’t a doctor.
  7. They can’t play football.
  8. I haven’t got a new dress.
  9. She won’t attend the meeting.
  10. You don’t do your chores every weekend.

Gabarito do exercício 03

  1. Has she a new car?
  2. Were they at the beach yesterday?
  3. Can I speak Spanish?
  4. Will you join the club?
  5. Does he do exercises in the morning?
  6. Has she a cat?
  7. Were they in the park last weekend?
  8. Can I cook Italian food?
  9. Will you be at the concert?
  10. Does he read books in the evening?

Gabarito do exercício 04

  1. Can you help me with this? (Can/Could)
  2. It might rain later. (may/might)
  3. You must not enter the room. (must/have to)
  4. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (Shall/Should)
  5. She has been working here for two years. (has/have)
  6. May I have some more cake? (May/Might)
  7. They must not like the idea. (must/have to)
  8. Does she go to the dentist every year? (Do/Does)
  9. We will be going to the beach this weekend. (will/would)
  10. He could play the violin when he was younger. (can/could)

Gabarito do exercício 05

  1. May I borrow your book?
  2. She could come to the party.
  3. They must finish the project by tomorrow.
  4. I shall travel to London next year.
  5. He could play the piano.
  6. Might you drive a car?
  7. She may join the gym.
  8. They must submit the assignment by Friday.
  9. I shall buy a new laptop.
  10. He might solve the puzzle.

E não deixe seu aprendizado parar por aí! Além da nossa lista de exercícios de verbos auxiliares, você também pode fazer:


Lista de exercícios



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Otimizado por Lucas Ferraz.