40 Exercícios De Simple Past Grátis Para Iniciantes

Sabemos que uma das formas mais eficazes de se aprender uma nova língua é praticando! Então se você já leu o nosso guia do simple past, é hora de por a mão na massa e treinar! Aqui você irá encontrar diferentes exercícios de simple past, com gabarito para você corrigir e entender a sua evolução! Vamos lá?

Exercícios de Simple Past Grátis Com Gabarito

mesa com materiais de estudo representando o post de exercícios do simple past

Exercício 01: Transformando frases em simple past

Transforme as frases abaixo, passando elas do simple present para o simple past:

  1. She reads a book.
  2. They visit the museum.
  3. I write an essay.
  4. We dance at the party.
  5. He has a pen.
  6. They play soccer.
  7. He speaks with the teacher.
  8. The dog plays with the ball.
  9. We travel together.
  10. The cat eats its dinner.

Gabarito do exercício 01

  1. She read a book.
  2. They visited the museum.
  3. I wrote an essay.
  4. We danced at the party.
  5. He had a pen.
  6. They played soccer.
  7. He spoke with the teacher.
  8. The dog played with the ball.
  9. We traveled together.
  10. The cat ate its dinner.

Exercício 02: Completando frases com simple past

Complete os espaços em branco nas frases abaixo com o verbo no simple past.

  1. I ___________ (be) at the park yesterday.
  2. She ___________ (not/want) to come with us last night.
  3. They ___________ (watch) the movie last weekend.
  4. We ___________ (eat) pizza for dinner.
  5. He ___________ (not/know) the answer.
  6. You ___________ (have) four books.
  7. The chicken ___________ (run) from us.
  8. The music ___________ (not/was) so loud.
  9. Joe ___________ (call) his mom before lunch.
  10. Sarah and Mike ___________ (tell) us about the accident.

Gabarito do exercício 02

  1. I was (be) at the park yesterday.
  2. She didn’t want (not/want) to come with us last night.
  3. They watched (watch) the movie last weekend.
  4. We ate (eat) pizza for dinner.
  5. He didn’t know (not/know) the answer.
  6. You had (have) four books.
  7. The chicken ran (run) from us.
  8. The music wasn’t (not/was) so loud.
  9. Joe called (call) his mom before lunch.
  10. Sarah and Mike told (tell) us about the accident.

Exercício 03: Perguntas do simple past

Transforme as frases abaixo em perguntas no simple past:

  1. She played soccer.
  2. I bought a car.
  3. They went to the beach.
  4. He studied English.
  5. We cooked dinner.
  6. She was hungry.
  7. They were at the park.
  8. You had a cat.
  9. We were listening.
  10. I was enjoying the ride.

Gabarito do exercício 03:

  1. Did she play soccer?
  2. Did I bought a car?
  3. Did they go to the beach?
  4. Did he study english?
  5. Did we cook dinner?
  6. Was she hungry?
  7. Were they at the park?
  8. Did you have a cat?
  9. Were we listening?
  10. Was I enjoying the ride?

Exercício 04: Respondendo perguntas

Responda às perguntas abaixo usando a forma correta do simple past. Para cada uma das frases, escreva a resposta positiva e negativa.

  1. Did she visit her grandmother?
  2. Did you watch the game last night?
  3. Did they enjoy the concert?
  4. Did he clean his room?
  5. Did we study for the test?
  6. Was you listening to me?
  7. Were they watching the movie?
  8. Was the cat hungry when you arrived?
  9. Were you paying attention?
  10. Did you called me?

Gabarito do exercício 04:

  1. Did she visit her grandmother? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
  2. Did you watch the game last night? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
  3. Did they enjoy the concert? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
  4. Did he clean his room? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
  5. Did we study for the test? Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
  6. Was you listening to me? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
  7. Were they watching the movie? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.
  8. Was the cat hungry when you arrived? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.
  9. Were you paying attention? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
  10. Did you called me? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Não se esqueça de deixar nos comentários quantos você acertou! E se houver dúvidas, também pode contar conosco para te ajudar!


Lista de exercícios



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Otimizado por Lucas Ferraz.