40 Exercícios De Verbo To Be Grátis Com Gabarito

Para ajudar na jornada de aprendizado do inglês, hoje trazemos uma lista de exercícios do verbo to be para iniciantes! Faça os exercícios abaixo para fortalecer o seu aprendizado e veja quantos você acerta!

Ah, e caso você tenha alguma dúvida, deixe aberto em outra aba nosso guia completo do verbo to be para consultas!

Exercício 01: Preenchendo frases com o verbo to be no presente simples

Mão de uma pessoa escrevendo em um caderno representando o post sobre exercícios de verbo to be

Preencha as frases abaixo com a forma adequada do verbo to be considerando o simple present

  1. I _____ so lucky to have you as my friend.
  2. We _____ an old group of friends.
  3. The dog _____ chasing its tail.
  4. You _____ a beautiful woman.
  5. She _____ a great sister!
  6. I think he _____ so good at playing soccer.
  7. They ____ together since 2010.
  8. That singer _____ so tall!
  9. John and Mary _____ our friends.
  10. Mark _____ our best student.

Gabarito do exercício 01

  1. I am so lucky to have you as my friend.
  2. We are an old group of friends.
  3. The dog is chasing its tail.
  4. You are a beautiful woman.
  5. She is a great sister!
  6. I think he is so good at playing soccer.
  7. They are together since 2010.
  8. That singer is so tall!
  9. John and Mary are our friends.
  10. Mark is our best student.

Exercício 02: Transformando o verbo to be em perguntas

Transforme as frases abaixo na forma e estrutura correta para uma pergunta considerando o tempo verbal de cada frase:

  1. The shirt is blue.
  2. He was at the mall.
  3. She is going to the concert.
  4. You are leaving now.
  5. I’m close to the door.
  6. You are a good student.
  7. The car is making a weird sound.
  8. Jane was calling me.
  9. He is driving tonight.
  10. They were buying clothes.

Gabarito do exercício 02

  1. Is the shirt blue?
  2. Was he at the mall?
  3. Is she going to the concert?
  4. Are you leaving now?
  5. Am I close to the door?
  6. Are you a good student?
  7. Is the car making a weird sound?
  8. Was Jane calling me?
  9. Is he driving tonight?
  10. Were the buying clothes?

Exercício 03: Frases negativas com o verbo to be

Transforme as afirmativas abaixo em frases negativas respeitando os tempos verbais do verbo to be:

  1. The pen is mine.
  2. Joe was my boyfriend.
  3. They were visiting the new school.
  4. The cat is on the bed.
  5. You are my sister.
  6. Sam is working now.
  7. My lunch time is short.
  8. His aunt was buying food.
  9. We were together yesterday.
  10. Your mom is calling you.

Gabarito do exercício 03

  1. The pen isn’t mine.
  2. Joe wasn’t my boyfriend.
  3. They weren’t visiting the new school.
  4. The cat isn’t on the bed.
  5. You aren’t my sister.
  6. Sam isn’t working now.
  7. My lunch time isn’t short.
  8. His aunt wasn’t buying food.
  9. We weren’t together yesterday.
  10. Your mom isn’t calling you

Exercício 04: verbo to be no present perfect

Complete as frases abaixo com a versão correta do verbo to be no present perfect:

  1. I _____ to Paris three times.
  2. She _____ very busy lately.
  3. _____ you _____ to that new restaurant downtown?
  4. They _____ to the museum yet. (negativa)
  5. _____ you ever _____ to a concert?
  6. He _____ a dedicated teacher for 20 years.
  7. It _____ raining all day.
  8. We _____ friends since childhood.
  9. How long _____ they _____ married?
  10. I _____ to the gym in weeks. (negativa)

Gabarito do exercício 04:

  1. I have been to Paris three times.
  2. She has been very busy lately.
  3. Have you been to that new restaurant downtown?
  4. They haven’t been to the museum yet.
  5. Have you ever been to a concert?
  6. He has been a dedicated teacher for 20 years.
  7. It has been raining all day.
  8. We have been friends since childhood.
  9. How long have they been married?
  10. I haven’t been to the gym in weeks.

E então, dos exercícios acima, quantos você acertou? Lembre-se de nos contar nos comentários o que achou dos exercícios!


Lista de exercícios



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Otimizado por Lucas Ferraz.